Tuning in for the evening news was a revelation Kendal flooded, Ambleside cut off, Cockermouth flood, Keswick flooded. I had been to some of these places this week, it was surreal to say the least to see these places under several feet of water.
Friday we were leaving. Or at least we hoped so. Roads were closed, flooding still present in many places. We set off heading along the road that runs beside Thirlmire only to be confronted with landslides. Joy!

With my Dad's exhaust scraping over the rocks in the road, we managed to make it tothe A66 and from there we were home free! What an adventure!
Not so much and adventure for the people who have had their lives devastated by the floods my thoughts go out to them :(
These are the last 2 pics from Wednesday's walk descending from Steel Fell, I just stuck them here as there was no where else for them.